Friday, August 28, 2015

Homework 8/27/15

1. Different isotopes of an element have different numbers of neutrons.
They have the same number of protons and electrons.

2. Atomic number is equal to the number of protons in an atom.
Mass number is equal to the number of protons and neutrons in an atom.

3. Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus of an atom. Electrons circle around the nucleus forming a sphere.

Thursday, August 27, 2015

Homework 8/26/15

How man significant figures in the following numbers:

25,000 = 2
17.06 = 4
135.50 = 5

Do the following problems with the correct number of significant figures in the answer:

75.2 x 0.0032 = 0.24

52.7 + 24 = 77

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Homework 8/25/15

Convert to scientific notation:
32,500 = 3.25 x 104
.00000147 = 1.47 x 10-6
45,000,000 = 4.5 x 107

Convert to standard notation
1.73 x 10-5 = 0.0000173
2.37 x 108 = 237,000,000
5.32 x 10-3 = 0.00532

Monday, August 24, 2015

Homework 8/24/15

Convert the following:
260 mL = .260 L
15 cm = .15 m
5.32 kg = 5,320 g

Monday, August 17, 2015


Chemistry – Mr. Stevens – Room 16 – Coalinga High School

            Welcome to chemistry class. I am looking forward to exploring the world of matter and its chemical changes with you. This is a rigorous class that requires students to study and complete homework assignments in a timely manner. In order to ensure your success in this class I have prepared this syllabus for you which details classroom rules, the materials that you will be required to have, and outlines our class policies.

Class Rules/Consequences:
            Students are expected to be to class on time in their assigned seats and prepared to begin when the bell indicating the class is beginning rings. (Please see below for tardy policy)
            Students are expected to dress and behave in an appropriate manner.
            Students are expected to pay attention, follow directions, and stay on task.
            Students who choose to behave in a manner that is inappropriate and/or disruptive will be dealt with in the following manner
            1st offence – Verbal warning.
            2nd offence – Conference with student
            3rd offence – Phone call and/or note to parent
            4th offence – Referral to counselor, followed by parent conference
            5th offence – Referral to assistant principal
            Repeated offences will be dealt with possible removal from class with a drop “F” grade.
            Please see the Student Handbook (page 21) for further details.

Tardy Policy:
            Students are expected to be in their seats and ready to work when the class bell rings and students will be considered tardy if they are not in their seats when the tardy bell rings. If a student is late to class because of a counseling appointment, finishing a test in another class, or another legitimate reason the tardy will be excused as long as the have a pass or note to verify the reason of their tardy. The tardy policy outlined in the student handbook will be enforced.

Cheating Policy:
            In this class there is a zero tolerance policy for cheating. If a student chooses to cheat or copy someone’s work, the student will receive a zero for that assignment/test/laboratory, an administrative referral, in school suspension, and a parent teacher conference. Providing someone with your work or allowing them to copy your work (knowingly or unknowingly) is also considered cheating and will be dealt with in the same manner. If the cheating continues after the initial incident it will be dealt with in the same manner and punishment will include 1-3 days of in-school suspension. A third incident of cheating will be dealt with by removal from class with a drop “F” grade and 1-3 days suspension.
            Please refer to the academic honesty policy found in your student handbook for more information.

Homework/Make-up Work Policy:
            Generally homework will be assigned daily. Students are expected to complete their assignments in a timely manner. Homework will be checked for completeness (not correctness) and stamped at the beginning of each daily period. At the end of each unit (the day of the unit test) student’s stamped homework assignments will be stapled together and turned in before the test begins. Generally each homework assignment will be worth 5 points. Unstamped, but completed, homework assignments may be turned in with the packet and will receive half credit.
            Because homework is only checked for completeness (and not correctness) students may take it upon themselves to make sure that they have the correct answers to their homework so that they will be prepared for the unit test. Homework solutions will be posted on the class blog ( no sooner than the day after the homework is due.  The class blog will also often include information about upcoming class material so it is a good idea to check it regularly so that you can stay current.
In the event of an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to make sure that they complete any missed assignments. Students with excused absences will have as many days as they have missed to get their missed homework assignments checked for completeness and stamped. This policy is for excused absences only. Students with homework missing from days with unexcused absences will not be checked for points. Students may turn in unstamped (not completed on time) assignments at the time of the test and they will be given half credit.

Classroom Seating:
            Every other month students will randomly be assigned classroom seats. The classroom seats are set into groups of four. These groups will be the groups that will work together on group assignments and laboratory activities.

Textbook and required materials:
            Text: Prentice Hall Chemistry California by Wilbraham, Staley, Matta, and Waterman; Pearson Publishing (2007)
Students are expected to bring the following to class each day:
            Chapter notes: For each unit students will receive a packet of prepared notes. These notes follow the PowerPoint presentations used in class and students will be expected to fill in and use these notes for study. If the student fails to bring the note packet to class a new packet will not be provided. If a student loses their chapter note packet a new packet may be purchased for the price of half their homework points for that unit. A second replacement packet will lower the student’s homework grade to on fourth of the points normally earned. Etc. These notes will also include homework assignments, but students are expected to complete their homework on a separate piece of blank notebook paper. A single piece of notebook paper may be used for as many homework assignments that will fit onto the paper and still be easily readable.
            Writing Implement: Students must bring a writing implement to class each day. Students may choose to use pen or pencil. In the event that a student fails to bring a writing implement a pencil may be borrowed for the period.
            Blank Notebook Paper: Students will need to bring blank notebook paper (either spiral or regular notebook paper are fine) in order to complete warm-ups, homework assignments, and laboratory reports. As mentioned above a single piece of paper may be used for more than one homework assignment. Likewise, I will endeavor to return warm-ups in a timely manner so that a single piece of paper may be used for a week’s worth of warm-up problems.
            Calculator: Students should have a calculator in order to do the math required for chemistry problems. Scientific calculators are highly recommended, but any calculator with four basic operations and square root functions will be sufficient. Students may use cell phones as calculators on non-test days. Cell phones will not be permitted to be used as calculators on test days and will be temporarily taken away if they are seen during or immediately following a test. In order for the cell phone to be returned the student’s parents must contact Mr. Stevens.

Classroom Electronics Policy:
            Students are allowed to bring cell phones to class on non-test days as they will be used in cell phone polls at the beginning of class on many days. Cell phones may also be used as calculators on non-test days (see Textbooks and Materials above). Cell phones should not be seen on test days (see Textbooks and Materials above).
            Other electronic devices (i.e. MP3 players, Ipods, etc.) are not permitted to be used in class at any time and will be taken away if seen. In order that they may be returned the student’s parents must contact Mr. Stevens.

Grading Policy:
            Grades earned by students will be computed using the following weighted formula:
                        30% Homework Assignments
                        20% Laboratory Reports
                        40% Unit Tests/Final Test
                        10% Participation
            -Homework: As mentioned above homework will be assigned, checked for completeness, and stamped on a daily basis. At the end of each unit homework packets will be turned in before beginning the unit test. Homework problems should be completed on a separate piece of paper and not the unit note packet. Unstamped (unchecked) homework assignments may be turned in with the homework packet for half credit. Homework packets will be turned in before unit tests. Late homework packets will be accepted if the student has missed the test day due to an excused absence.
            -Laboratory Reports: We will regularly be doing laboratory experiments. Laboratory reports should be turned in by the end of the laboratory period, unless otherwise indicated. If through no fault of your own you are unable to complete a laboratory report on time arrangements may be made. This will happen on a case-by-case basis and is subject to teacher approval. If you are unable to finish your laboratory report due to your own inactivity or goofing around when you should have been working no accommodations will be made.
            - Unit Tests: Generally unit tests will occur every other Friday. This schedule may change due to holidays and vacations. Students will be notified at least a week in advance if there is any change in the testing schedule. 
            -Participation grades are largely taken from daily warm up quizzes. 2 points will be given for correctly solving the daily warm up problem. 1 point will be given for attempting the warm up problem or solving it incorrectly.  In the event of an absence students may make up the warm up problem getting it either from another student or from the Mr. Stevens.
Overall grades will be assigned using the following formula:
           A+  100%-97%           
A     97%-93%
A-    93%-90%
B+   90%-87%
B     87%-83%
B-    83%-80%
C+   80%-77%
C     77%-73%
C-   73%-70%
D+  70%-67%
D    67%-63%
D-   63%-60%
F     <60%

Laboratory Safety:

            Laboratory safety is important and no student will be permitted to do experiments in the laboratory until they have passed the laboratory safety quiz, which will be given during the first week of school. In order to pass the laboratory safety quiz students must score greater than 60%. In the laboratory handle all equipment properly and follow the given directions. Do not do your own experiments. Report any accident, injury, or problems to Mr. Stevens immediately so that it may be dealt with. At the end of the laboratory session please leave the laboratory/classroom as you found it, with the lab table clear and any equipment returned to its proper place. There is no horseplay or goofing off in the laboratory. Due to the inherent danger of working in some laboratory situations inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated.